Source code for pskb_website.models.file

More direct wrapper around reading files from remote storage

This module serves as a way to read and parse common markdown file 'types' from
the repository such as the file listings for published articles, etc.

import collections
import re
import json

from .. import app
from .. import remote
from .. import filters
from .. import cache
from ..forms import STACK_OPTIONS





# Parse a line of markdown into 2 links and list of stacks
TITLE_RE = re.compile(r'###\s+(?P<title>.*)\s+by\s+(?P<author_real_name>.*)')
URL_RE = re.compile(r'.*?\[(?P<text>.*?)\]\((?P<url>.*?)\).*?')
IMG_RE = re.compile(r'.*\<img src="(.*?)" .*')

# The list of stacks has all sorts of special characters and commas in it so
# parsing it requires a regex with everything escaped.
STACK_RE = re.compile('|'.join(re.escape(s.lower()) for s in STACK_OPTIONS))

file_listing_item = collections.namedtuple('file_listing_item',
                                ['title', 'url', 'author_name',
                                 'author_real_name', 'author_img_url',
                                 'thumbnail_url', 'stacks'])

[docs]def read_file(path, rendered_text=True, branch=u'master', use_cache=True, timeout=cache.DEFAULT_CACHE_TIMEOUT): """ Read file contents :param path: Short path to file, not including repo or owner :param rendered_text: Read rendered markdown text (True) or raw text (False) :param branch: Name of branch to read file from :param use_cache: Boolean to read from cache if available and save if not found in cache (use False to bypass any cache interaction, useful for very large files) :param timeout: Cache timeout to save contents with (in seconds) - only used if use_cache is True :returns: Text of file or None if file could not be read """ if use_cache: text = cache.read_file(path, branch) if text is not None: return json.loads(text) details = read_file_details(path, rendered_text=rendered_text, branch=branch) if details is None: return None if use_cache: cache.save_file(path, branch, json.dumps(details.text), timeout=timeout) return details.text
[docs]def read_file_details(path, rendered_text=True, branch=u'master'): """ Read file details including SHA and contents :param path: Short path to file, not including repo or owner :param rendered_text: Read rendered markdown text (True) or raw text (False) :param branch: Name of branch to read file from :returns: remote.file_details tuple or None if file is missing """ full_path = '%s/%s' % (remote.default_repo_path(), path) return remote.read_file_from_github(full_path, branch, rendered_text)
[docs]def published_article_path(): """ Get path to published article file listing :returns: Path to published article file listing file """ return '%s/%s' % (remote.default_repo_path(), PUB_FILENAME)
[docs]def in_review_article_path(): """ Get path to in-review article file listing :returns: Path to in-review article file listing file """ return '%s/%s' % (remote.default_repo_path(), IN_REVIEW_FILENAME)
[docs]def draft_article_path(): """ Get path to draft article file listing :returns: Path to draft article file listing file """ return '%s/%s' % (remote.default_repo_path(), DRAFT_FILENAME)
[docs]def published_articles(branch=u'master'): """ Get iterator through list of published articles from file listing :param branch: Name of branch to save file listing to :returns: Generator to iterate through file_listing_item tuples """ return _read_file_listing(PUB_FILENAME, branch=branch)
[docs]def in_review_articles(branch=u'master'): """ Get iterator through list of in-review articles from file listing :param branch: Name of branch to save file listing to :returns: Generator to iterate through file_listing_item tuples """ return _read_file_listing(IN_REVIEW_FILENAME, branch=branch)
[docs]def draft_articles(branch=u'master'): """ Get iterator through list of draft articles from file listing :param branch: Name of branch to save file listing to :returns: Generator to iterate through file_listing_item tuples """ return _read_file_listing(DRAFT_FILENAME, branch=branch)
[docs]def read_redirects(branch=u'master'): """ Read redirects file and parse into a dictionary mapping an old url to a new url :param branch: Branch to read redirect file from :returns: Dictionary with keys for old url and values for new url The format of the redirect file is two URLs per line with whitespace between them:: This means redirect to and redirect to Each line can start with an optional '- ', which will be ignored. Any lines starting with a '#' or not containing two tokens is ignored. """ redirects = {} # This should be a pretty low volume file so cache it for an hour. text = read_file(REDIRECT_FILENAME, rendered_text=False, branch=branch, use_cache=True, timeout=60 * 60) if not text: return redirects for line in text.splitlines(): if line.startswith('#'): continue tokens = line.split() # A valid line is either 3 tokens one of which is a '-' to start a # markdown list item or 2 tokens (old and new url). if len(tokens) == 3 and tokens[0] == '-': old = tokens[1] new = tokens[2] elif len(tokens) == 2: old = tokens[0] new = tokens[1] else: # Not valid line, needs at least 2 tokens continue redirects[old] = new return redirects
[docs]def update_article_listing(article_url, title, author_url, author_name, committer_name, committer_email, author_img_url=None, thumbnail_url=None, stacks=None, branch=u'master', status=DRAFT): """ Update article file listing with given article info :param article_url: URL to article :param title: Title of article to put in listing :param author_url: URL to author :param author_name: Name of author (i.e. login/username) :param committer_name: Name of user committing change :param committer_email: Email of user committing change :param author_img_url: Optional URL to author's image :param thumbnail_url: Optional URL to thumbnail image for article :param stacks: Optional list of stacks article belongs to :param branch: Name of branch to save file listing to :param status: PUBLISHED, IN_REVIEW, or DRAFT to add article to file listing. All other file listings will also be updated to remove this article if it exists there. :returns: True or False if file listing was updated """ if status == PUBLISHED: path_to_listing = published_article_path() filename = PUB_FILENAME message = u'Adding "%s" to published' % (title) elif status == IN_REVIEW: path_to_listing = in_review_article_path() filename = IN_REVIEW_FILENAME message = u'Adding "%s" to in-review' % (title) else: path_to_listing = draft_article_path() filename = DRAFT_FILENAME message = u'Adding "%s" to draft' % (title) sha = None start_text = '' details = read_file_details(filename, rendered_text=False, branch=branch) if details is not None: sha = details.sha start_text = details.text text = get_updated_file_listing_text(start_text, article_url, title, author_url, author_name, author_img_url, thumbnail_url, stacks=stacks) if start_text != text: commit_sha = remote.commit_file_to_github(path_to_listing, message, text, committer_name, committer_email, sha=sha, branch=branch) if commit_sha is None: return False cache.delete_file(filename, branch) # Now update the opposite files so the article is only on 1 file at a time results = [] for possible_status in (PUBLISHED, IN_REVIEW, DRAFT): if possible_status == status: continue # Don't care about status here we need to try all the possible files # and lower levels will log anything useful res = remove_article_from_listing(title, possible_status, committer_name, committer_email, branch=branch) results.append(res) return all(results)
[docs]def remove_article_from_listing(title, status, committer_name, committer_email, branch=u'master'): """ Remove article title from file listing :param title: Title of article to remove from listing :param status: PUBLISHED, IN_REVIEW, or DRAFT :param committer_name: Name of user committing change :param committer_email: Email of user committing change :param branch: Name of branch to save file listing to :returns: True or False if file listing was updated """ if status == PUBLISHED: path_to_listing = published_article_path() filename = PUB_FILENAME message = u'Removing "%s" from published' % (title) elif status == IN_REVIEW: path_to_listing = in_review_article_path() filename = IN_REVIEW_FILENAME message = u'Removing "%s" from in-review' % (title) else: path_to_listing = draft_article_path() filename = DRAFT_FILENAME message = u'Removing "%s" from draft' % (title) sha = None start_text = '' details = read_file_details(filename, rendered_text=False, branch=branch) if details is not None: sha = details.sha start_text = details.text text = get_removed_file_listing_text(start_text, title) if start_text != text: commit_sha = remote.commit_file_to_github(path_to_listing, message, text, committer_name, committer_email, sha=sha, branch=branch) if commit_sha is None: return False cache.delete_file(filename, branch) return True
[docs]def sync_file_listing(all_articles, status, committer_name, committer_email, branch=u'master'): """ Synchronize file listing file with contents of repo :param all_articles: Iterable of article objects that should be synced to listing :param status: PUBLISHED, IN_REVIEW, or DRAFT :param committer_name: Name of user committing change :param committer_email: Email of user committing change :param branch: Name of branch to save file listing to :returns: Boolean to indicate if syncing succeeded or failed This can be a very expensive operation because it heavily calls the remote API so be careful calling this for API limits and performance. Ideally this should at least be run as some kind of background process. """ if status == PUBLISHED: path_to_listing = published_article_path() filename = PUB_FILENAME message = u'Synchronizing published' elif status == IN_REVIEW: path_to_listing = in_review_article_path() filename = IN_REVIEW_FILENAME message = u'Synchronizing in-review' else: path_to_listing = draft_article_path() filename = DRAFT_FILENAME message = u'Synchronizing draft' text = u'' sha = None details = read_file_details(filename, rendered_text=False, branch=branch) if details is not None: text = details.text sha = details.sha start_text = text # Get listing of all the titles currently in the file so we know which ones # to remove and we'll try to remove them in order so the diff of the file # is sane. prev_titles = {item.title for item in read_items_from_file_listing(text)} curr_titles = set() for article in all_articles: article_url = filters.url_for_article(article, base_url=app.config['DOMAIN']) author_url = filters.url_for_user(article.author_name, base_url=app.config['DOMAIN']) name = article.author_real_name or article.author_name curr_titles.add(article.title) text = get_updated_file_listing_text(text, article_url, article.title, author_url, name, article.image_url, article.thumbnail_url, article.stacks) titles_to_remove = prev_titles - curr_titles for title in titles_to_remove: text = get_removed_file_listing_text(text, title) if text != start_text: commit_sha = remote.commit_file_to_github(path_to_listing, message, text, committer_name, committer_email, sha=sha, branch=branch) if commit_sha is None: return False else: app.logger.debug('Listing unchanged so no commit being made') cache.delete_file(filename, branch) return True
def _read_file_listing(filename, branch=u'master'): """ Get iterator through list of articles from file :param filename: Short status path to file not including repo or owner :param branch: Name of branch to save file listing to :returns: Generator to iterate through file_listing_item tuples """ text = read_file(filename, rendered_text=False, branch=branch, use_cache=True) if text is None: raise StopIteration for item in read_items_from_file_listing(text): yield item def _iter_article_sections_from_file_listing(text): """ Generator through raw lines file listing broken up by article :param text: Raw text as read from file listing file :returns: Generator to iterate through chunks of lines """ lines_for_article = [] for line in text.splitlines(): line = line.strip() # Start of new article if line.startswith('### ') and lines_for_article: yield lines_for_article lines_for_article = [line] elif line: lines_for_article.append(line) # Don't forget last section that won't have an ending delimeter if lines_for_article: yield lines_for_article
[docs]def read_items_from_file_listing(text): """ Generator to yield parsed file_listing_item from text :param text: Raw text as read from file listing file :returns: Generator to iterate through file_listing_item tuples """ for lines in _iter_article_sections_from_file_listing(text): try: item = _parse_file_listing_lines(lines) except ValueError as err: app.logger.error('Failed parsing file listing lines: %s (%s)', lines, err) else: yield item
def _parse_file_listing_lines(lines): """ Parse list of lines from file listing :param lines: Lines of text from file listing markdown file :returns: file_listing_item tuple or None if parsing failed """ if len(lines) < 3: raise ValueError('At least 3 lines of required information') # First line title, author_real_name = _parse_title_line(lines[0]) if title is None or author_real_name is None: raise ValueError('Title must be on first line') # Second line _, article_url = _parse_url_line(lines[1]) if article_url is None: raise ValueError('Link to article must be on second line') # Third line author_name, author_img_url = _parse_author_info_line(lines[2]) if author_name is None: raise ValueError('Missing author name on third line') # Optional 4th line of stacks stacks = [] if len(lines) >= 4: stacks = _parse_stacks_line(lines[3]) # Optional 5th (or 4th line) of thumbnail thumbnail_url = None # No stacks but still have thumbnail if not stacks and len(lines) >= 4: _, thumbnail_url = _parse_url_line(lines[3]) elif len(lines) >= 5: _, thumbnail_url = _parse_url_line(lines[4]) return file_listing_item(title, article_url, author_name, author_real_name, author_img_url, thumbnail_url, stacks) def _parse_title_line(line): """ Parse title line of text :param line: Line of text to parse :returns: Tuple of (title, author name) or (None, None) if no match on line """ match = TITLE_RE.match(line) if not match: return (None, None) title = _force_unicode('title')) author_real_name = _force_unicode('author_real_name')) return (title, author_real_name) def _parse_url_line(line): """ Parse URL from line of text :param line: Line of text to parse :returns: Tuple of (text, URL) or (None, None) if no match is found on line """ match = URL_RE.match(line) if match is None: return (None, None) return (_force_unicode('text')), _force_unicode('url'))) def _parse_author_info_line(line): """ Parse author name and optional image url from line :param line: Line of text to parse :returns: Tuple of (author_name, image_url) image_url can be None """ author_name = None match = URL_RE.match(line) if match is not None: author_name = _force_unicode('url').split('/')[-1]) author_img_url = None match = IMG_RE.match(line) if match is not None: author_img_url = _force_unicode( return (author_name, author_img_url) def _parse_stacks_line(line): """ Parse list of stacks from line of text :param line: Line of text to parse :returns: List of stacks """ return [_force_unicode( for m in STACK_RE.finditer(line.lower())] def _force_unicode(text): """ Force text to utf-8 unicode :param text: Text to convert :returns: Unicode string """ try: return unicode(text, encoding='utf-8') except TypeError: return text def _file_listing_to_markdown(article_url, title, author_url, author_name, author_img_url=None, thumbnail_url=None, stacks=None): """ Encode details in a line of markdown for the file listing file :param article_url: URL to article :param title: Title of article to put in listing :param author_url: URL to author :param author_name: Name of author to use for author link :param author_img_url: Optional URL to image for author :param thumbnail_url: Optional URL to thumbnail image for article :param stacks: Optional list of stacks article belongs to :returns: String of markdown text """ title_line = u'### {title} by {author_name}'.format( title=title, author_name=author_name) article_link_line = u'- [Read the guide]({article_url})'.format( article_url=article_url) author_line = u'- [Read more from {author_name}]({author_url})'.format( author_name=author_name, author_url=author_url) if author_img_url is not None: # Github used to support specifying the image in markdown but that # doesn't seem to work anymore. author_line = u'{author_line} <img src="{author_img_url}" width="{width}" height="{height}" alt="{author_name}" />'.format( author_line=author_line, author_name=author_name, author_img_url=author_img_url, width=30, height=30) lines = [title_line, article_link_line, author_line] if stacks: lines.append(u'- Related to: %s' % (','.join(stacks))) if thumbnail_url is not None: # This is purposely NOT an image link b/c we don't want to clutter up # the github view of this file with big images. lines.append(u'- [Thumbnail](%s)' % (thumbnail_url)) return u'\n'.join(lines)
[docs]def get_updated_file_listing_text(text, article_url, title, author_url, author_name, author_img_url=None, thumbnail_url=None, stacks=None): """ Update text for new article listing :param text: Text of file listing file :param article_url: URL to article :param title: Title of article to put in listing :param author_url: URL to author :param author_name: Name of author (i.e. login/username) :param author_img_url: Optional URL to image for author :param thumbnail_url: Optional URL to thumbnail image for article :param stacks: Optional list of stacks article belongs to :returns: String of text with article information updated """ # New content goes at front i.e. top of file so need to push efficiently on # both ends. new_contents = collections.deque() changed_section = False for lines in _iter_article_sections_from_file_listing(text): # Always put a newline in when we add something b/c we add 1 'section' # at a time and always want those separated by a blank line b/c it # renders better on github that way. if new_contents: new_contents.append(u'\n\n') # Already found the line we need to replace so just copy remainder of # text to new contents and we'll write it out. if changed_section: new_contents.append(u'\n'.join(lines)) continue try: item = _parse_file_listing_lines(lines) except ValueError as err: app.logger.error('Failed parsing article section: %s (%s)', lines, err) item = None if item is not None and item.title == title: changed_section = True new_text = _file_listing_to_markdown(article_url, title, author_url, author_name, author_img_url, thumbnail_url, stacks) new_contents.append(new_text) else: new_contents.append(u'\n'.join(lines)) # Must be a new article section if not changed_section: new_text = _file_listing_to_markdown(article_url, title, author_url, author_name, author_img_url, thumbnail_url, stacks) # Make sure we already have text that we need to separate with a new # line if new_contents: new_contents.appendleft(u'\n\n') new_contents.appendleft(new_text) return u''.join(new_contents)
[docs]def get_removed_file_listing_text(text, title): """ Remove given title from file listing text and return result :param text: Text of file listing file :returns: String of text with title removed """ new_lines = [] for lines in _iter_article_sections_from_file_listing(text): try: item = _parse_file_listing_lines(lines) except ValueError as err: app.logger.error('Failed parsing article section: %s (%s)', lines, err) item = None if item is not None and item.title == title: continue new_lines.append(u'\n'.join(lines)) new_lines.append(u'\n\n') # Don't need extra newlines at the end of file if new_lines and new_lines[-1] == u'\n\n': new_lines.pop() return u''.join(new_lines)