Source code for pskb_website.remote

Main entry point for interacting with remote service APIs

import base64
import collections
import json
import urllib

from flask_oauthlib.client import OAuth
from flask import session

from . import app
from . import cache

oauth = OAuth(app)

github = oauth.remote_app(
    request_token_params={'scope': ['public_repo', 'user:email']},

file_details = collections.namedtuple('file_details', 'path, branch, sha, last_updated, url, text')

[docs]def default_repo_path(): """Get path to main repo""" return '%s/%s' % (app.config['REPO_OWNER'], app.config['REPO_NAME'])
[docs]def default_repo_url(): """Get URL to default repo""" return '' % (app.config['REPO_OWNER'], app.config['REPO_NAME'])
[docs]def log_error(message, url, resp, **kwargs): """ Log an error from a request and include URL, response status, response data and additional error information :params message: Message to log :param url: URL of request that failed :param resp: Response object holding failure information :param kwargs: Additional data to put in error message :returns: None """ additional_info = [] if kwargs: for key, value in kwargs.iteritems(): additional_info.append('%s: "%s"' % (key, value)) app.logger.error('%s at "%s", status: %d, data: %s, %s', message, url, resp.status, getattr(resp, 'data', None), ','.join(additional_info))
[docs]def files_from_github(repo, filename, limit=None): """ Iterate through files with a specific name from github :param repo: Path to repo to read files from :param filename: Name of filename to search for recursively :param limit: Optional limit of the number of files to return :returns: Iterator through file_details tuples """ sha = repo_sha_from_github(repo) if sha is None: raise StopIteration headers = {} cache_key = (repo, sha, filename) etag = cache.read_file_listing_etag(cache_key) if etag is not None: headers = {'If-None-Match': etag} resp = _fetch_files_from_github_api(repo, sha, headers=headers) if resp is None: raise StopIteration # Try to read articles from cache files = None if resp.status == 304: try: files = _gen_files_from_cache(cache_key, limit=limit) except KeyError: # Nothing in cache which is odd since we had a etag but that's ok # we can do a real read pass if files is None: try: files = _gen_files_from_github_api(repo, sha, filename, limit=limit, cache_key=cache_key) except ValueError: raise StopIteration for file_ in files: yield file_
def _fetch_files_from_github_api(repo, sha, headers=None): """ Grab listing of files from github API :param repo: Path to repo (owner/repo_name) :param sha: Sha of repo to read with :param headers: Optional dict of headers to use in request :returns: Response object from request or None if response failed """ url = 'repos/%s/git/trees/%s?recursive=1' % (repo, sha) app.logger.debug('GET: %s', url) resp = github.get(url, headers=headers) if resp.status not in (200, 304): log_error('Failed reading files', url, resp) return None try: truncated =['truncated'] except KeyError: truncated = False # FIXME: Handle this scenario if truncated: log_error('Too many files for API call', url, resp) return resp def _gen_files_from_cache(cache_key, limit=None): """ Get generator through files from cache :param cache_key: Key to retrieve files from cache :param limit: Optional limit of the number of files to return :returns: Iterator through file_details tuples :raises: KeyError if cache is a miss """ files = cache.read_file_listing(cache_key) if files is None: raise KeyError('No files found with %s' % (cache_key)) count = 0 for file_ in json.loads(files): yield file_details(file_[0], None, file_[1], None, None, None) count += 1 if limit is not None and count == limit: raise StopIteration def _gen_files_from_github_api(repo, sha, filename, limit=None, cache_key=None): """ Iterate through files with a specific name from github and cache files if cache_key is given :param repo: Path to repo to read files from :param sha: Sha of repo to read with :param filename: Name of filename to search for recursively :param limit: Optional limit of the number of files to return :param cache_key: Optional key to cache file listing with :returns: Iterator through file_details tuples or None if request fails """ resp = _fetch_files_from_github_api(repo, sha) if resp is None: raise ValueError('Failed reponse') count = 0 files = [] for obj in['tree']: if obj['path'].endswith(filename): full_path = '%s/%s' % (repo, obj['path']) yield file_details(full_path, None, obj['sha'], None, None, None) count += 1 if cache_key is not None: # Easier to serialize a standard tuple than namedtuple files.append((full_path, obj['sha'])) if limit is not None and count == limit: break if files and cache_key: cache.save_file_listing(cache_key, json.dumps(files))
[docs]def repo_sha_from_github(repo, branch=u'master'): """ Get sha from head of given repo :param repo: Path to repo (owner/repo_name) :param branch: Name of branch to get sha for :returns: Sha of branch """ url = 'repos/%s/git/refs/heads/%s' % (repo, branch) app.logger.debug('GET: %s', url) resp = github.get(url) if resp.status != 200: log_error('Failed reading sha', url, resp, branch=branch) return None return['object']['sha']
[docs]def primary_github_email_of_logged_in(): """Get primary email address of logged in user""" app.logger.debug('GET: user/emails') resp = github.get('user/emails') if resp.status != 200: return None for email_data in if email_data['primary']: return email_data['email'] return None
[docs]def read_file_from_github(path, branch=u'master', rendered_text=True, allow_404=False): """ Get rendered file text from github API :param path: Path to file (<owner>/<repo>/<dir>/.../<filename>) :param branch: Name of branch to read file from :param rendered_text: Return rendered or raw text :param allow_404: False to log warning for 404 or True to allow it i.e. when you're just seeing if a file already exists :returns: file_details namedtuple or None if error Note when requesting rendered text there will be no SHA or last_updated data available. This is a restriction from the github API ( Requesting file 'details' like SHA and rendered text are 2 API calls. Therefore, if you want all of that information you should call this function twice, once with rendered_text=True and one with rendered_text=False and combine the information yourself. """ if rendered_text: text = rendered_markdown_from_github(path, branch, allow_404=allow_404) # This is a little tricky b/c this URL could change on github and we # would be wrong. However, those URLs have been the same for years so # seems like a safe enough bet at this point. owner, repo, file_path = split_full_file_path(path) # Cannot pass unicode data to pathname2url or it can raise KeyError. # Must only pass URL-safe bytes. So, something like u'\u2026' will # raise a # KeyError but if we encode it to bytes, '%E2%80%A6', things # work correctly. # url = u'' % ( owner, repo, branch, urllib.pathname2url(file_path.encode('utf-8'))) details = file_details(path, branch, None, None, url, text) else: details = file_details_from_github(path, branch, allow_404=allow_404) return details
[docs]def rendered_markdown_from_github(path, branch=u'master', allow_404=False): """ Get rendered markdown file text from github API :param path: Path to file (<owner>/<repo>/<dir>/.../<>) :param branch: Name of branch to read file from :param allow_404: False to log warning for 404 or True to allow it i.e. when you're just seeing if a file already exists :returns: HTML file text """ url = contents_url_from_path(path) headers = {'accept': 'application/vnd.github.html'} app.logger.debug('GET: %s, headers: %s, ref: %s', url, headers, branch) resp = github.get(url, headers=headers, data={'ref': branch}) if resp.status == 200: return unicode(, encoding='utf-8') if resp.status != 404 or not allow_404: log_error('Failed reading rendered markdown', url, resp, branch=branch) return None
[docs]def file_details_from_github(path, branch=u'master', allow_404=False): """ Get file details from github :param path: Path to file (<owner>/<repo>/<dir>/.../<filename>) :param branch: Name of branch to read file from :param allow_404: False to log warning for 404 or True to allow it i.e. when you're just seeing if a file already exists :returns: file_details namedtuple or None for error """ url = contents_url_from_path(path) app.logger.debug('GET: %s ref: %s', url, branch) resp = github.get(url, data={'ref': branch}) if resp.status == 200: # Temporary debug. It seems that sometimes github returns a 200 # response and a list of items, which should only happen if we ask for # the contents of a directory. This function should never be called # with a directory. try: sha =['sha'] except TypeError as err: app.logger.error('Incorrect SHA response for URL: %s, resp: %s, err: %s', url,, err) return None link =['_links']['html'] text = unicode(base64.b64decode(['content'].encode('utf-8')), encoding='utf-8') last_updated = resp._resp.headers.get('Last-Modified') else: if resp.status != 404 or (resp.status == 404 and not allow_404): app.logger.warning('Failed reading file details at "%s", status: %d, branch: %s, data: %s', url, resp.status, branch, return None return file_details(path, branch, sha, last_updated, link, text)
[docs]def commit_file_to_github(path, message, content, name, email, sha=None, branch=u'master', auto_encode=True): """ Save given file content to github :param path: Path to file (<owner>/<repo>/<dir>/.../<filename>) :param message: Commit message to save file with :param content: Content of file :param name: Name of author who wrote file :param email: Email address of author :param sha: Optional SHA of file if it already exists on github :param branch: Name of branch to commit file to (branch must already exist) :param auto_encode: Boolean to automatically encode data as utf-8 :returns: SHA of commit or None for failure Note that name and email can be None if you want to make a commit with the REPO_OWNER. However, name and email should both exist or both be None, which is a requirement of the underlying Github API. """ url = contents_url_from_path(path) if auto_encode: content = base64.b64encode(content.encode('utf-8')) commit_info = {'message': message, 'content': content, 'branch': branch} if name is not None and email is not None: commit_info['author'] = {'name': name, 'email': email} commit_info['committer'] = {'name': name, 'email': email} elif (name is None and email is not None) or (name is not None and email is None): raise ValueError('Must specify both name and email or neither') if sha: commit_info['sha'] = sha # The flask-oauthlib API expects the access token to be in a tuple or a # list. Not exactly sure why since the underlying oauthlib library has a # separate kwargs for access_token. See flask_oauthlib.client.make_client # for more information. token = (app.config['REPO_OWNER_ACCESS_TOKEN'], ) app.logger.debug('PUT: %s, data: %s, token: %s', url, commit_info, token) resp = github.put(url, data=commit_info, format='json', token=token) if resp.status not in (201, 200): log_error('Failed saving file', url, resp, commit_msg=message, content=content, name=name, email=email, sha=sha, branch=branch) return None return['commit']['sha']
[docs]def commit_image_to_github(path, message, file_, name, email, sha=None, branch=u'master'): """ Save given image file content to github :param path: Path to file (<owner>/<repo>/<dir>/.../<filename>) :param message: Commit message to save file with :param file_: Open file object :param name: Name of author who wrote file :param email: Email address of author :param sha: Optional SHA of file if it already exists on github :param branch: Name of branch to commit file to (branch must already exist) :returns: SHA of commit or None for failure """ contents = base64.encodestring( return commit_file_to_github(path, message, contents, name, email, sha=sha, branch=branch, auto_encode=False)
[docs]def read_user_from_github(username=None): """ Read user information from github :param username: Optional username to search for, if no username given the currently logged in user will be returned (if any) :returns: Dict of information from github API call """ if username is not None: url = 'users/%s' % (username) else: url = 'user' app.logger.debug('GET: %s', url) resp = github.get(url) if resp.status != 200: log_error('Failed reading user', url, resp) return {} return
[docs]def read_repo_collaborators_from_github(owner=None, repo=None): """ Generator for collaborator login/usernames for a given repo :param owner: Owner of repository defaults to REPO_OWNER config value :param repo: Name of repository defaults to REPO_NAME config value :returns: Generator through login names """ owner = owner or app.config['REPO_OWNER'] repo = repo or app.config['REPO_NAME'] url = '/repos/%s/%s/collaborators' % (owner, repo) # This endpoint requires a user that has push access token = (app.config['REPO_OWNER_ACCESS_TOKEN'], ) app.logger.debug('GET: %s, token: %s', url, token) resp = github.get(url, token=token) if resp.status != 200: log_error('Failed reading collaborators', url, resp, repo=repo, owner=owner) raise StopIteration for obj in yield obj['login']
[docs]@github.tokengetter def get_github_oauth_token(): """Read github token from session""" token = session.get('github_token') if token is None: # The flask-oauthlib API expects the access token to be in a tuple or a # list. Not exactly sure why since the underlying oauthlib library has a # separate kwargs for access_token. See # flask_oauthlib.client.make_client for more information. token = (app.config['REPO_OWNER_ACCESS_TOKEN'], ) return token
[docs]def split_full_file_path(path): """ Split full file path into owner, repo, and file_path :param path: Path to file (<owner>/<repo>/<dir>/.../<filename>) :returns: (owner, repo, file_path) """ tokens = path.split('/') owner = tokens[0] repo = tokens[1] file_path = '/'.join(tokens[2:]) return (owner, repo, file_path)
[docs]def contents_url_from_path(path): """ Get github API url for contents of file from full path :param path: Path to file (<owner>/<repo>/<dir>/.../<filename>) :returns: URL suitable for a content call with github API """ owner, repo, file_path = split_full_file_path(path) # Cannot pass unicode data to pathname2url or it can raise KeyError. Must # only pass URL-safe bytes. So, something like u'\u2026' will raise a # KeyError but if we encode it to bytes, '%E2%80%A6', things work # correctly. # owner = owner.encode('utf-8') repo = repo.encode('utf-8') file_path = file_path.encode('utf-8') return urllib.pathname2url('repos/%s/%s/contents/%s' % (owner, repo, file_path))
[docs]def read_branch(repo_path, name): """ Read branch and get HEAD sha :param repo_path: Path to repo of branch :param name: Name of branch to read :returns: SHA of HEAD or None if branch is not found """ url = 'repos/%s/git/refs/heads/%s' % (repo_path, name) app.logger.debug('GET: %s', url) resp = github.get(url) # Branch doesn't exist if resp.status == 404: return None if resp.status != 200: log_error('Failed reading branch', url, resp) return None return['object']['sha']
[docs]def create_branch(repo_path, name, sha): """ Create a new branch :param repo_path: Path to repo that branch should be created from :param name: Name of branch to create :param sha: SHA to branch from :returns: True if branch was created or False if branch already exists or could not be created """ url = 'repos/%s/git/refs' % (repo_path) data = {'ref': 'refs/heads/%s' % (name), 'sha': sha} # Must use token of owner for this request b/c only owners and # collaborators can create branches token = (app.config['REPO_OWNER_ACCESS_TOKEN'], ) app.logger.debug('POST: %s, data: %s, token: %s', url, data, token) resp =, data=data, format='json', token=token) if resp.status == 422: # Maybe it already exists curr_sha = read_branch(repo_path, name) if curr_sha is not None: return True log_error('Failed reading existing branch', url, resp, sha=sha) return False elif resp.status != 201: log_error('Failed creating branch', url, resp, sha=sha) return False return True
[docs]def update_branch(repo_path, name, sha): """ Update branch to new commit SHA :param repo_path: Path to repo that branch should be created from :param name: Name of branch to create :param sha: SHA to branch from :returns: True if branch was update or False if branch could not be updated """ url = 'repos/%s/git/refs/heads/%s' % (repo_path, name) data = {'sha': sha} # Must use token of owner for this request b/c only owners and # collaborators can update branches token = (app.config['REPO_OWNER_ACCESS_TOKEN'], ) app.logger.debug('PATCH: %s, data: %s, token: %s', url, data, token) resp = github.patch(url, data=data, format='json', token=token) if resp.status != 200: log_error('Failed updating branch', url, resp, sha=sha) return False return True
[docs]def check_rate_limit(): """ Get rate limit data :returns: None in case of an error or raw rate limit request data """ url = '/rate_limit' app.logger.debug('GET: %s', url) resp = github.get(url) if resp.status != 200: log_error('Failed checking rate limit', url, resp) return None return
[docs]def remove_file_from_github(path, message, name, email, branch): """ Remove file from github repo :param path: Path to file (<owner>/<repo>/<dir>/.../<filename>) :param message: Commit message to remove file with :param name: Name of author who wrote file :param email: Email address of author :param branch: Name of branch to delete file from :returns: True if file was removed or False otherwise Note the file is only removed from the repository, not the history of the file. """ # Read most recent sha which is required to remove file details = file_details_from_github(path, branch) if details is None: return False url = contents_url_from_path(path) commit_info = {'sha': details.sha, 'branch': branch, 'message': message, 'author': {'name': name, 'email': email}, 'committer': {'name': name, 'email': email}} # The flask-oauthlib API expects the access token to be in a tuple or a # list. Not exactly sure why since the underlying oauthlib library has a # separate kwargs for access_token. See flask_oauthlib.client.make_client # for more information. token = (app.config['REPO_OWNER_ACCESS_TOKEN'], ) app.logger.debug('DELETE: %s, data: %s, token: %s', url, commit_info, token) resp = github.delete(url, data=commit_info, format='json', token=token) if resp.status != 200: log_error('Failed removing file', url, resp, file=path) return False return True
[docs]def merge_branch(repo_path, base, head, message): """ Attempt merge between two branches :param repo_path: Path to repo <owner>/<repo_name> :param base: Name of the base branch that the head will be merged into :param head: The name of the head to merge into base :param message: Commit message to use for merge :returns: True if merge was successful False otherwise """ url = '/repos/%s/merges' % (repo_path) data = {'base': base, 'head': head, 'commit_message': message} token = (app.config['REPO_OWNER_ACCESS_TOKEN'], ) app.logger.debug('POST: %s, data: %s, token: %s', url, data, token) resp =, data=data, format='json', token=token) # 204 means no content i.e. no merge needed if resp.status in (201, 204): return True log_error('Failed merging', url, resp, repo=repo_path, base=base, head=head) return False
[docs]def file_contributors(path, branch=u'master'): """ Get dictionary of User objects representing authors and committers to a file :param path: Short-path to file (<dir>/.../<filename>) i.e. without repo and owner :param base: Name of branch to read contributors for :returns: Dictionary of the following form:: {'authors': set([(name, login), (name, login), ...]), 'committers': set([(name, login), (name, login), ...])} Note that name can be None if user doesn't have their full name setup on github account. """ contribs = {'authors': set(), 'committers': set()} url = u'/repos/%s/commits' % (default_repo_path()) app.logger.debug('GET: %s path: %s, branch: %s', url, path, branch) resp = github.get(url, data={'path': path, 'branch': branch}) if resp.status != 200: log_error('Failed reading commits from github', url, resp) return contribs def _extract_data_from_commit(commit, key): login = commit[key]['login'] try: author_name = commit['commit'][key]['name'] except KeyError: author_name = None else: if not author_name: author_name = None # API can return same name and login depending on how the account and # commit information is setup so don't bother storing duplicates. This # way caller knows we didn't get a real author name. if login == author_name: author_name = None return (author_name, commit[key]['login']) for commit in # Check author/committer first b/c we've seen issues in github API # where these can actually be None, like this commit: # if commit['author']: contribs['authors'].add(_extract_data_from_commit(commit, 'author')) if commit['committer']: contribs['committers'].add(_extract_data_from_commit(commit, 'committer')) return contribs
[docs]def contributor_stats(repo_path=None): """ Get response of /repos/<repo_path>/stats/contributors from :param repo_path: Default repo or repo path in owner/repo_name form :returns: Raw response of contributor stats from Note the github caches contributor results so an empty list can also be returned if the data is not available yet or there is an error """ repo_path = default_repo_path() if repo_path is None else repo_path url = u'/repos/%s/stats/contributors' % (repo_path) app.logger.debug('GET: %s', url) resp = github.get(url) stats = [] if resp.status == 200: stats = elif resp.status == 202:'Data not in cache from') else: log_error('Failed reading stats from github', url, resp) return stats