Source code for pskb_website.utils

Generic functions for global use

import re
from unicodedata import normalize
import urlparse

from . import app

_punct_re = re.compile(r'[\t !"#$%&\'()*\-/<=>?@\[\\\]^_`{|},.:]+')

# From
[docs]def slugify(text, delim=u'-'): """Generates an slightly worse ASCII-only slug.""" result = [] for word in _punct_re.split(text.lower()): word = normalize('NFKD', word).encode('ascii', 'ignore') if word: result.append(word) return unicode(delim.join(result))
[docs]def slugify_stack(stack): """Generates an ASCII-only slug version of the stack""" # Just take anything before the '('. Some of our stacks are really long and # would make for ugly URLs and folders. return slugify(stack.split('(')[0])
[docs]def configure_redis_from_url(url): """ Create and configure a redis instance from the given url :param url: URL encoded in the popular `scheme://netloc/path;parameters?query#fragment` that urlparse.urlparse supports :returns: configured redis.Redis object or None if there was a problem """ try: import redis except ImportError: app.logger.error('Redis module not installed') return None try: url = urlparse.urlparse(url) except Exception as err: app.logger.error('Failed parsing redis URL: "%s", err: %s', url, err) app.logger.debug('Trace:', exc_info=True) return None try: return redis.Redis(host=url.hostname, port=url.port, password=url.password) except Exception as err: app.logger.error('Failed creating redis instance: err: %s', err) app.logger.debug('Trace:', exc_info=True) return None