========= CHANGELOG ========= -------------------- version .6 - 7/7/16 -------------------- New Features ------------ - Revamped design to be more colorful with stack images for every guide, etc. - `Added ability to heart guides `_ - Requires use of redis and use of `ENABLE_HEARTING` and `REDIS_HEARTS_DB_URL` environment variables - `Support for Github Bio on profile and article pages `_ - `Improved support for Facebook Open Graph tags on homepage and article `_ - `Improved layout of review page and home page when there is no featured guide `_ - `New stack images `_ - Thanks `@eh3rrera `_! - `Use Github webhooks to keep list of branches and cache up to date `_ - Requires use of `WEBHOOK_SECRET` environment variable - New page highlighting tutorial contest - `Properly escape all code on article pages, not just HTML `_ Bug Fixes --------- - `Fix exception when running with empty REDISCLOUD_URL env variable `_ - `Fix html escaping issues on article page `_ - `Shorten long author names to prevent from breaking out of design boxes `_ - `KeyError exception on some invalid page URLs `_ - `Ignore invalid statuses when reading article `_ - `Error when handling failed github authentication request `_ - `Bug with removing a branch when it being added again `_ - `Problem unpredictable featured guide when two guides have the same title `_ Changes ------- - `Add CTA to article list when filtering returns no results `_ - `Guides are now grouped by publish status on profile page `_ - `All markdown is rendered on front-end with Javascript instead of using Github API `_ - `Changed copy on login page to be more informative `_ - `New logo highlighting our sponsor, Pluralsight `_ - `Store featured guide with redis `_ - `Remove case-insensitive comparison for featured guide environment variable `_ -------------------- version .5 - 5/9/16 -------------------- New Features ------------ - Logging of Github API rate limit - See `bin/rate_limit_watcher.py` which can be used with Heroku Scheduler add-on or `cron` in any UNIX environment - Added `newrelic` to requirements for performance monitoring - This is optional, but still in the `requirements.txt` file. - Added full-screen editor as default and removed non-full screen - This resulted in a lot of improvments including simpler CSS, better integrated help, tooltips, modal error dialogs, and a full-screen view with all possible controls readily available. - `Big speed improvements to editor `_ - `Added links to hack.pledge and hack.summit in header `_ - `Show list of contributors on guide page `_ Bug Fixes --------- - `Edit guide link is broken after changing publish status `_ - `Editor removes escape characters even if in a codeblock `_ - `Prevent extra commit to metadata file on first edit `_ - `Image uploader doesn't set committer name correctly on commits `_ - `Fixed URLs involving a branch name with special characters `_ - `Fixed problems with guide titles having special URL characters `_ - `Remove unecessary Github API request when fetching contributor lists `_ - `Fetching contributors lists twice for guides with no contributors `_ - `Prevent mobile share buttons and email signup box overlapping `_ - `Incorrectly including any user with a branch as a contributor `_ - `Faster loading of rendered markdown from Github API `_ - `Fixed escape